choosing non-attachment as a path to happiness

February 18, 2010 at 4:33 pm (Uncategorized)

In my quest over the past five years to find peace in a chaotic world I have divested myself of many of my previous life’s belongings. I can’t help, but see the inverse relationship that material goods have to our personal happiness. The less I own the freer I feel and the less I have to store if I go on an extended trip. I still think I spend too much time looking for things and rearranging the boxes.

Today I am tackling clothes and shoes…Stiletto wrap arounds? Hmmm Random saying tee shirts two sizes too small? hmmm and What about the sand candle project that went terribly wrong sitting in the garage?

Do you see how far I have to travel still? The Corporations who spend millions trying to convince us we need their products and services in order to be happy, be cool and keep up with the Jones forgot to tell us that stuff won’t make you happy. Just as having a significant other won’t either if it is the wrong one. We all have too much of the wrong stuff! When I travel I try to keep it to one duffle and one backpack. The backpack has my rocks and laptop and the duffle my clothes and shoes. I carry on even on the train and bring snacks. This doesn’t leave much room for extras and yet I still come home with an extra shirt or skirt I never even wore. How can this be then, that I have a full closet of clothes? Attachment to the memories of good times in them…that can be the only answer. So I’m trying everything on and I’m hoping to trim it way down.

As for the never end chotchkes, Ebay is for them.

As for the wrong relationships, I’m working on that one too. Clutter is clutter even if it is the wrong people infesting our lives and Mr. Awesome needs an open space.

Share your thoughts on how reducing materialism has impacted your life.

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