Fashion Week in my Closet

February 20, 2013 at 9:48 pm (Art, Freedom, gemstones and Jewels, Letting go, Style) (, , , , , , , , , , )

So I have been trying on clothes in order to determine what beloved items no longer fit (too big finally) and/or no longer suit my style.

This task has taken on runway proportions as I combine and toss things together to see what makes a solid piece in an outfit. I found a black lace tee shirt whose back is now being sewn onto my zebra print sweater’s back. I embroidered over the neckline of a skritchy Prabal Guhrung tee shirt so that I may enjoy it with my turquoise corduroys this Spring.

I discovered Miss Daisy the six month old Bulldogge has chewed the heels of my favorite yellow snakeskin heels.

The Lilly Pulitzer corduroys two sizes too big will become a knee length skirt to be worn with the hot pink chiffon sleeveless top. The black sweater that never looked right on me is heading for the Hera Hub clothes swap to benefit The Monarch school of San Diego and Planned Parenthood. Also the Levis I gladly relinquish to another with the beginnings of holes in them they are at their prime. The shrug sweater that was not my style will also find a happy new wearer.

I realize I really like skirts over jeans or slacks. I have a pretty good collection of nice skirts gathered from other’s closets, thrift stores, local designer’s wares to wear and even a few purchased by my mother. So I will try each on and be willing to share my overstock with my skirt wearing sisters at Hera.

I have enjoyed this wardrobe overhaul and all it means to me in my life which is in a constant state of overhaul.

Sorting out what works from what doesn’t is always the trick. It isn’t about the fashion but rather your personal style. Wear what makes you look good and feel good. If it means breaking  out your Nancy Reagan red dress and rocking it with your vintage candies go for it if works for you. I have noticed over the years the only people who look awkward in fashion that stands out are the ones who are forcing a look that is incongruent with their inner fashionista. In the eighth grade I had a red corduroy Eisenhower style jacket and matching wide legged pants with high waist AND cuffs. Some kids giggled and made fun while a few edgy fashionistas whose father’s let them shop in New York and Paris understood my statement. I had that jacket many years after the pants were sent on to fashionista recycle. I wish I had it today!

I currently own a jean jacket and a corduroy jacket so maybe that means I’m greedy, or just prepared as I have loaned the corduroy jacket out many a time to friends. I should slip a library card in the pocket for check out! I have refrained from ornamenting it as the jean jacket has a variety of after market trims and embellishments on it.

Back when I still wore suede slacks I had these to wear with my Lady Diana Blue silk blouse. Many thought I was out there wearing these together I thought I rocked it…I still think that : ) women's opportunity week 85 001Yes that is me looking quite conservative in my pearls at the Women’s Opportunity Week Fashion show with talented clothing designer Tawny Walkowiak. Tawny made the delicious suit she is wearing.

So back to editing my wardrobe and my life…add, take away, alter to fit, repeat.

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